Gespe'gewa'gi - The Last Land

CADENCE: A Fish Worth Waiting For

Cadence is a Mi’kmaw teenager who returns to her community school in Sipekne’katik, where she learns how to catch a fish from local knowledge holders.

Teenager Cadence Davidson is a lesson in perseverance. She’s from Sipekne'katik First Nation, and has recently switched from the Nova Scotia provincial school system to the high school on the reserve. During a two-day striped bass fishing workshop, she learns to fish for the first time -- in theory, anyway. Catching a fish is harder than it looks.  Local knowledge holders teach her about bass behaviour and spawning. Outside of school, and armed with her new knowledge, she embarks on a quest to catch one on her own, no matter how long it takes. As Elder Doreen Bernard explains, this new approach to education, that mixes Western academics with traditional knowledge, is a far cry from what education used to be in the community, during the time of the Shubenacadie Residential School.