Gespe'gewa'gi - The Last Land

BEVERLEY: The Captain of a Fishing Boat

On the cusp of becoming a first-time grandmother, multi-species Captain Beverly Denny balances snow crab and tuna fishing.

Snow crab and tuna fishing are on the menu captain Beverley Denny of Pictou Landing First Nation, Nova Scotia. As one of the first female captains in her community, she’s dealt with her share of doubt, racism and sexism. After all, for some old-school fishers, having a woman on the boat in any capacity was bad luck. Beverley couldn’t care less. A respected captain, and a mentor for young people like Austin who want to follow in her footsteps, out on the water is where she belongs. Whether it’s for the rush of adrenaline reeling in a 600lb Tuna, or the thrill of hauling in a lucrative snow crab harvest, Bev’s at the helm. But family comes first, and she won’t miss the birth of her first grandchild while out at sea.